Press Release: See stories Intern Advocates for Comprehensive Alaska Studies Reform in Alaska Schools

Iqlas Dubed is a current student at the University of Alaska Anchorage pursuing a degree in Political Science and has been interning for See Stories this past year. As a high school student, Iqlas was struck by how the curriculum lacked Alaska Native history, cultures, and present-day context. Driven by this purpose, Iqlas is looking to change the way Alaskan Schools teach the required Alaska Studies class. 

This past May, Iqlas released her podcast through See Stories, Alaska’s Untaught Histories. This podcast consists of interviews with culture bearers, students, academics, and teachers, and advocates for creating a strong, culturally responsive Alaska Studies Curriculum. This podcast was produced by Iqlas Dubed, and was funded by Center for Safe Alaskans. Marie Acemah and Kaitlin Armstrong provided mentorship to Iqlas on this project. 

Iqlas has written a powerful statement advocating and calling for comprehensive Alaska Studies reform in Alaska’s schools. Read what she has to say in our press release.

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to her podcast episode, head on over to the See Stories Podbean channel or listen here.

One thought on “Press Release: See stories Intern Advocates for Comprehensive Alaska Studies Reform in Alaska Schools

  1. I was very impressed. I will be teaching Alaska Studies in Angoon in the fall and I want to be sure to teach from a different perspective thanks to you!

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