COVID-19 Podcasting & Digital Storytelling

See Stories was awarded the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEERF) to lead a spring 2021 virtual teacher professional development course titled COVID-19 Podcasting & Digital Storytelling: Culturally Responsive and Social Emotional Best Practices. The course is designed for teachers of 6th – 12th grade Alaska Native and Newcomer (immigrant and refugee) students, and participating educators will receive support in engaging students with social emotional learning (SEL) through sharing COVID stories via podcasting and digital storytelling. There is no cost associate with taking this class.
One of the best things about this free course for participating teachers is the team who will serve as instructors and guest instructors. Alaskan teachers / librarians of 6th – 12th grade Alaska Native / Newcomer students who would like to apply to participate in this virtual, 3 credit professional development course can do so at this link. Please note that this makes most Alaskan middle school and high school teachers eligible, as our classrooms are as a diverse as our beautifully diverse communities.
Workshop Details
- January 28, 2021 - 20210529
- Apply by January 6, 2021
- Online
- 3 credits