Alaskan Student Films Guide Classroom SEL Lesson Plans

Alaskan Student Films SEL

This free, 1 credit virtual course is designed in partnership between the ASD and See Stories, and is generously funded by an SEL in Action Grant from Education First.

This program will create space for 6th – 12th grade ASD teachers of ANY subject to choose a film created by students who have participated in See Stories film workshops, and create lesson plans relevant for your students and your subject matter to start SEL conversations in your classroom. Student films explore a variety of SEL topics ranging from cultural identity to creative expression, and from the meaning of home for refugees to Alaska Native subsistence and values.

School paraprofessionals, librarians, psychologists, and other folks in the ASD who interact with students are also welcome to apply.

This program will create space for 6th – 12th grade ASD teachers of ANY subject to choose a film created by students who have participated in See Stories film workshops, and create lesson plans relevant for your students and your subject matter to start Social Emotional Learning (SEL) conversations in your classroom.

Student films explore a variety of SEL topics ranging from cultural identity to creative expression, and from the meaning of home for refugees to Alaska Native subsistence and values. School paraprofessionals, librarians, psychologists, and other folks in the ASD who interact with students are also welcome to apply.

This course assumes that YOU as the educator are an expert in supporting your students, but could use support and time to work on your valuable ideas and to collaborate with other teachers as you process how to create a safe and nurturing space for your students, whether you teach social studies or math, science or a language. Virtual class sessions take place on Saturday November 6th, 20th, and December 4th from 9 am – 12 noon.

Workshop Details

  • November 6, 2021 - 20211204
  • Apply by October 30, 2021
  • Online
  • 1 credit


Marie Acemah

Marie Acemah, founder / Director of See Stories, will facilitate the overall course, engaging teachers in the art of documentary filmmaking and supporting participants in working with Alaska-related Library of Congress primary sources. Marie has 15+ years of teaching and teacher professional development experience, from Kodiak to Kaktovik, and from Ohio to Uganda. She has an MA from Columbia University Teachers College in International Educational Development and a BA in Liberal Arts from St. John’s College in Santa Fe.