Siberian Yupik Language

Yupigestun or Siberian Yupik language is spoken by more or less 1000 people on St. Lawrence Island. About 90 percent of the people on the island still speak the language. Through this video, I would like to help preserve the language and be known to other parts of the world. With the vast changing technologies of today, I want the younger generation to appreciate the language that they have, because language is a gem and it should be preserved. I also strongly encourage the people on the Island to use the language through my students by using it daily in songs and games, or even through writing more poems and stories in Yupik.

Classroom Guide

Essential Questions

  • What is your contribution in the goal of preserving the Siberian Yupik language?
  • How are you going to encourage or motivate others to preserve the language
  • In what ways are you going to establish a strong foundation to the youth when it comes to language preservation despite the gen z’s use of technology


  • A student who meets the content standard should: 1) understand chronological frameworks for organizing historical thought and place significant ideas, institutions, people, and events within time sequences.
  • 2) know that the interpretation of history may change as new evidence is discovered