A Eulogy to Nature

Students will watch student created films to better understand personal, cultural, historical and environmental connections to place. To better understand how documentaries can have an overlap of connections, they will watch three documentaries about glaciers and how they tell the story of environmental and personal change.

Classroom Guide

Essential Questions

  • What are the environmental implications of receding glaciers?
  • What are the personal implications of receding glaciers?
  • Why is it important to understand climate change in Alaska and how does it connect to change in other parts of the world?


  • History A: A student should understand that history is a record of human experiences that links the past to the present and the future.
  • Geography E2, E4, E5: recognize and assess local, regional, and global patterns of resource use;determine the influence of human perceptions on resource utilization and the environment;analyze the consequences of human modification of the environment and evaluate the changing landscape
  • A1: assume responsibility for their role in relation to the well-being of the cultural community and their life-long obligations as a community member
